Classroom Tour! 2015

Hey bloggers!

Today was Meet the Teacher Day! We have a 2 hour open house so the kids can come in to meet us, check out the room, and the parents can fill out a bunch of paperwork.

Here are some pics of the room before the kids arrived! Remember...our school has a circus theme this year! :)
Bulletin boards around the school:
Here is the entrance to the 1st grade classrooms:

Here is a pano of my whole room.
Below Left: Some of the kids' book boxes on top of the shelves. Below the book boxes are my guided reading books! I love the magazine holders.
Below Right: This is behind my meeting table. I have word work and math activities & items in the rainbow carts. The tubs on top of the carts are where I keep books & notebooks for my guided reading groups.
This is my meeting table. MANY things take place here. This is my guided reading area, my guided math area, my writing conference does it all! This year I am trying out these wall pops! They are adhesive...and dry erase! Yes, I know you can use dry erase markers on the table itself...but look how cute the dots are! I'm excited to use them for word work practice and math practice and writing practice and...who knows what else!
Below is my computer area and classroom library. The chart in the computer area is where kids turn in assessments. Last year I reorganized the classroom library so I'm excited to have it like this all year!
This is where the students make their lunch choice in the morning (the blue chart will have lunch cards in it-hopefully tomorrow morning!). They put their lunch card choice in the corresponding basket. They have 3 lunch choices every day.
Below the baskets are my "lost crayon" drawers. I start them with crayons in them every year for kids to borrow if they don't have a certain color or whatever.
This was our smartboard attendance slide for meet the teacher. The kids had to find their name and move their animal to the circus tent.
Below is the calendar/math area. The blue chart will have our 100 chart on it! The black table is our listening center during reader's workshop. I have books, cds, & headphones in the cubes in the bench to the right.
Below is right by the classroom door. These are the mailboxes where they put finished work.

So there you have it! That is my classroom this year! :)
Don't forget, my Fabulous Follower Giveaway is running through the 22nd! There are 20 awesome prizes so make sure you check it out!

My classroom reveal is my Monday Made it! :)

Have a great school year!

1 comment

  1. What a fun theme! Love all the decorations and your attendance board!

    My Bright Blue House
