Double Linky Day!

Hey bloggers!
It's a double linky day!

First up, A Day in the Life...hosted by Where the Wild Things Learn!
Here's how it all plays out:

Morning Work & Announcements
The students start arriving at 8:25. During this time, they put their things away in their cubbies (coats, bookbags, etc), make their lunch choice on the smartboard, put their snack in their desk, and start their morning work. Their morning work is usually a math paper/pencil activity. It may also be a word work paper (consonants, vowels, word families, etc) or books to read. At 8:45, the whole school (8 classes) meet in our entry way for Opening Announcements. During this time we say The Pledge of Allegiance and have a moment of silence. My principal also makes any announcements for the day, calls up kids who are having a birthday, and passes out any awards (good behavior).

We do calendar daily on the smartboard. During this time, we cover multiple math concepts (calendar, months of the year, days of the week, patterns, 120 chart, 2D & 3D shapes, place value, addition, number of the day, etc).

Math always starts whole group whether I am introducing a new math concept or reviewing one we have already learned. After whole group, some days the students have independent practice and some days they have math work stations so that I can meet with students in small groups for extra guided practice.

Writer's Workshop
Writer's workshop always starts whole group for a mini-lesson that usually lasts 10-15 minutes. After our lesson, the students go to their seats to work independently for about 25 minutes. During this time, I meet with students 1 on 1 or in small groups for writing conferences. We then have about 5 minutes for share time. Sometimes the students share in partners, sometimes they share in groups, and sometimes I choose a few writing samples to share whole group.

Snack & Bathroom Break
The students all bring snacks from home because we have such a late lunch (1:00pm). We share our building, which is K-3, with a junior high. The junior high lunch schedule begins before ours, which is why our lunch is so late. During snack time, the students eat and finish any incomplete work. If their work is done, they can read independently or with partners. They also have an opportunity for a bathroom break during this time.

Read Aloud
After snack & bathroom break, we read a chapter or two from a book that the students have voted on as a class (usually Junie B, Ready Freddy, Jigsaw Jones, or Magic Tree House).

Reader's Workshop
During reader's workshop, the students work at stations (word work, read to self, read to someone, respond to reading, surprise station). While they are working at stations, I pull students for guided reading groups. After they are finished at stations, we have about 5 minutes for share time.

Recess & Lunch
The students have a 30 minute recess & 30 minute lunch.

Shared Reading
This is our whole group instructional reading lesson. This is also when we incorporate our social studies & science themes.

Word Work
We use this time to study our high frequency words, vowels, and word families. Two days a week during this time the students have computer time to practice word work and touch typing.

The students have PE 2 days a week, music 2 days a week, and art 1 day a week (art is taught by the classroom teacher).

Clean Up & Dismissal
The students come back to the room, clean up their space, color their behavior calendar (to show parents), and get packed up to go home. The bus riders leave at 3:05 and car riders at 3:10.

That's our typical day in 1st grade!

My second linky today is Just Me January with Kinder Sisters!

1. Name?-Caitlyn
2. State?-Illinois
3. Morning or Night Person?-I am definitely a night person. I hate mornings and very rarely talk for the first hour or so that I'm awake! Until having our first child, my husband and I kept ridiculous hours during summer & winter breaks. We would stay up until 4am and then sleep until 1pm.
4. Collect anything?-I have WAY too many sweatpants...and shoes...and scarves...I have a bad buying habit, I guess!
5. Most used app on my phone?-Facebook, instagram, & picstitch!
6. My favorite cereal?-Frosted Flakes!
7. Old pair of shoes in my closet?-I'm pretty sure I still have my shoes from senior prom. Haha.
8. What is your favorite snack? I love the Honey Nut chex mix.
9. City or Country?-I lived in Kentucky for 2 years...and I want to go back. Country for me!
10. Favorite thing about teaching?-The kids. Even on the most frustrating day, the kids keep me laughing. They love being at school, love learning, and (most of the time) love their teachers. And I love teaching them! Since I teach 1st grade, I get to see them in 2nd & 3rd grade too. It's awesome to see how much they grow & learn before they leave our school!

Enjoy your long weekend! :)

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