I just finished up some 100th Day of School activities! Our 100th day of school is January 30th this year...which is early! It's usually in February between Groundhogs Day and Valentine's Day!
Here's what is included:
-100 circles, follow coloring instructions
-100 pictures, count & write number sentence
-100 page (for gluing items)
-sorting mats (4)-sort your 100 items
-things i've learned in 100 days of shcool (blank page)
-I can write 100 words
-100 things (topics given, kids write words)
-100 second activity
-I would eat 100 ______, I would never eat 100 ______
-when I am 100 years old
-100 Days Smarter Book (11 pages for students to read & color!)
-100 chart activity {click here for a freebie of this activity!}
I've link up with Saddle up for Second Grade!
When is your 100th day?? I can't believe we're almost there!
Here is my 100th day post from last year with all of the activities we did!! So much fun :)
{100th Day Post 2012}
{100th Day Post 2012}
Have a great weekend! I have Monday off...do you?
Ps-I finally got my twitter set up! Feel free to stop by and become a follower :)
{Sliding into First Twitter}

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