Shared Reading: Fiction Story Elements

Hi everyone!

Today I'm here with an update on our shared reading activities!

We have spent a lot of time the last few months on fiction story elements.We spend about 2 weeks (4 days a week) on each topic. This is what our schedule has looked like...and this will take us right up to spring break!
We started by reading fiction books (whole group) and just practicing our retells (characters, setting, beginning, middle, and end).

Next, we focused on the problem & solution in fiction books. We still identified the characters and setting, and then discussed what the problem was for the characters and how they solved the problem! We also took it a step further the second week and discussed how else the problem could have been solved! Here are some ideas for books that have a good problem and solution. Obviously, we do this unit during the winter! :)

Our next focus for fiction books was character traits and character change. Again, here are some ideas of books that you could use when teaching this concept! These ones are little less winter themed. :)

We would read a book, discuss the main character's traits, how the character was at the beginning of the story, how they were at the end of the story, and WHY they changed. This was a fun few weeks! Below is one of my favorite books for discussing character change. I typically save this book for our mixed up fairy tale unit...but it is just too perfect for character change! The kids loved this book!
Another fun one for character change is The Wild Toboggan Ride.
You can pick up the freebie template that we used above {here}.

After character change, we moved on to discussing feelings in books.

We are discussing the feelings of the characters and also how the book makes US feel as we are going through it. My student teacher made this chart to help them along with this discussion.

After we finish with feelings, we will be moving on to senses that are used in books.
I imagine this will be a little tricky for my friends but we will see!! I think finding poems that use senses will be very helpful as well!

Here's a {freebie} that is great for March story elements!

Thanks for stopping by!
If you have any ideas for books that demonstrate senses, let me know in a comment below! :)

1 comment

  1. Do you have any books you can recommend when dealing with story structure?

