Hey bloggers!
Fall is finally here!...unfortunately, the weather in my area is already feeling like winter :( Fall weather is my FAVORITE, so these nights in the 30s and mornings with sleet & flurries need to back off!
Anyway...we just finished up our 2 week apple study! The kids had a BLAST! We started out with learning everything we could about apples, and then got to the extra fun part-the tastings! The chart below was our second chart of things we learned!
Our first tasting was some red, green, & yellow apple slices. The students tasted their slices, described each apple, and then graphed their favorite on the smartboard. In our class, the students picked green as their favorite. I personally liked the yellow best :)
We also did some apple jacks tasting-just for fun! It was unanimous, everyone like them!
We finished up with apple juice vs. apple cider. I think this tasting was their favorite!
We also did a few apple crafts! We made apple people and apple bag puppets! :)
Okay, I CANNOT find the link where I got the idea for these apple people...do they look familiar to you so that I can credit the creator??
Up next, we have Fire Safety! We have a fire drill with the fire department this week and then they come back next week with the "Fire Safety House." They bring an RV that is set up like a miniature house inside (living room, kitchen, upstairs bedroom). They start in the living room and the fireman talks about fire safety, what to do, what not to do, having an escape plan & meeting area, etc. Then they go to the kitchen and talk about fire hazards. Then they go up the stairs to the bedroom and talk about how to escape. Then, they go onto the balcony and climb down the ladder and go to the "meeting area." This is always a big hit with the kids. They love getting to talk with the firemen and practice escaping.
I have some fire safety printables & activities that I use every year with my class. Just some fun, quick things for fire safety time if you're looking for something!
If you go to my store and download the preview file, you can get the "describe a fireman" activity free! :)
We are finally getting into some editing in Writer's Workshop! My students write with pen during writing time. This allows me to see what changes they go back and make (since they can't erase to fix things). I can see the exact steps they take when they write. Last week, we talked about making sure we write with lowercase letters, using spaces, and using punctuation. I got out the pretty color pens for them to use to change capitals into lowercase letters and fix up any punctuation. They used their highlighters to fix spaces. If a space was missing, they just used their highlighter to draw a line in between words. If they had appropriate spaces, they just used the highlighter to make a smiley face at the top of the page (so that they could still use the highlighter-because it's just SO exciting!).
Also, we have started addition to 10 in math! Woohoo! I was super impressed with how it went on our first day, so I think we may be able to move a little quicker than I anticipated! Love it.
We started by writing addition sentences with our "one more" practice. But they were rocking it so we moved on to plus 2 and plus 3! Yay, firsties :)
We are starting our spider study this week and will be creating this, dare I say, adorable (I hate spiders) little guy from Doodle Bugs.

I'll update you on those later!
Have a great week! :)
We are finally getting into some editing in Writer's Workshop! My students write with pen during writing time. This allows me to see what changes they go back and make (since they can't erase to fix things). I can see the exact steps they take when they write. Last week, we talked about making sure we write with lowercase letters, using spaces, and using punctuation. I got out the pretty color pens for them to use to change capitals into lowercase letters and fix up any punctuation. They used their highlighters to fix spaces. If a space was missing, they just used their highlighter to draw a line in between words. If they had appropriate spaces, they just used the highlighter to make a smiley face at the top of the page (so that they could still use the highlighter-because it's just SO exciting!).
Also, we have started addition to 10 in math! Woohoo! I was super impressed with how it went on our first day, so I think we may be able to move a little quicker than I anticipated! Love it.
We are starting our spider study this week and will be creating this, dare I say, adorable (I hate spiders) little guy from Doodle Bugs.
I'll update you on those later!
Have a great week! :)
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