Back to School, Back to School...

Well, I head back to school tomorrow. I went in for about 45 minutes today...really just to see what kind of a disaster I had left my room in when I left for break (I was so ready to leave at that point). Surprisingly, it wasn't too bad. I think I'm ready to go for tomorrow & Friday...although even if I'm ready, I'm sure the kids won't be. Hopefully they'll be as sleepy as I'll be! I have to admit, my sleep schedule is pretty bad on breaks...I usually stay up until 3 or 4 am and then sleep until 12 or 1pm. It's just me, my husband, & our dog so we all end up on the same schedule (my husband is a teacher as well). Waking up at 6:30am tomorrow is going to be torture. Oh well.

The one thing I am looking forward to is having my kids write the next few days. At my school, we follow the writers workshop model in which the students only write about themselves, things that they can really get into detail about, true stories that have actually happened to them. I have a few that constantly say, "I don't have anything to write about!" But now, they all should! I know they all celebrated Christmas, got presents, and most likely did something for New Years. Unfortunately for them, they didn't get to play in any snow over break but they should have stories about playing with friends because the temperature here (Illinois) has been in the 40s & 50s lately (which has been awesome!!). My kids are really chatty so I know all 22 of them will be at my desk/following me around the room trying to tell me stories. I can't wait to say, "Ooooo that sounds awesome, you should write about it!" :)

So I came across some really cute clip art a few days ago and wanted to share! Lauren over at The First Grade Diaries has some adorable stuff! I looooove the penguins. Here is a little peak at some Penguin Opposites cards that I made. So check out her site for some cute clip art and my TpT store for some cute activities!

Now I need to go finish getting my house ready to go back to school...which means making sure all of the laundry is done & all of the dishes are washed. The last thing I want to do when I get home from school is any kind of cleaning so I need to get it done tonight so that my next few nights after school can be relaxing.

I hope everyone has had a great week back!


  1. Awww, so cute!!!

    Somebody gave you a shoutout on my blog giveaway and I did too! :)

    Welcome to blogging! :)

    Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

  2. I have nominated your blog for an award, head over to my blog and check it out :)
