Reflective Website Post 2: Exploring SeeSaw

Hi everyone!

I'm back with another reflection post for my technology grad class.
If you want to read my first post about Technology Use Over the Years, click here.

For this post, I am exploring the SeeSaw Learning Journal.
I would love to hear your feedback of the app in the comments...please tell me how you use it and any tips that you wish you would have known when you first got started! :)

If you read my previous post, then you know that I love incorporating new technology in my classroom...but now I am looking to find a more purposeful way to incorporate technology for student use.
I think SeeSaw might be the answer!

Here's what I know so far:
*digital portfolios
*each student has their own portfolio
*students login using a specific QR code for their class
*multiple media forms (pictures, video, recordings, drawings, notes)
*assignments can be organized by subject area
*student portfolios can be shared with parents
*parents can only access their child's work
*students and teachers can leave feedback/comments on assignments (teachers moderate)
*iOS, Android, Kindle, Chrome book, Chrome, Firefox compatible

Here is a quick video overview that I found helpful when learning about SeeSaw:

Last week, I observed a teacher using SeeSaw with a small group of students. She had created a math task (story problem) for students to respond to in the app. It was interesting to see how the students chose to respond. Three of the students started with paper & pencil. They solved the problem and showed their work on the paper. They then took a picture of their paper using the iPad, and uploaded it to their journal. One student went about it a different way. He decided to respond to the assignment with a drawing. He still solved the problem and showed his work, but chose to upload his drawing rather than a picture of paper work. 
All of the students successfully uploaded an answer to the assignment, but this showed that there is also some technology differentiation when using SeeSaw. The students can choose the best way for them to complete assignments.

The image above came from a PDF file, SeeSaw Overview for Teachers.
You can find the whole PDF here.

I have created a class on the SeeSaw app and started looking through some of the assignments that are already created on the app. I think a few of these might be a good way to get started and get the students acquainted with the new app and how it works. These things will also give them practice uploading different types of media.
(1) My Goal: Students draw a picture of their goal and record a statement about their goal.
(2) Favorite Classroom Spot: Students upload a picture or video of their favorite spot in our classroom and why.
(3) Writer's Workshop: Students take a picture or video of their writing and record themselves reading it.

I would love to hear your thoughts below about using SeeSaw in the classroom!
What grade do you teach?
What are the best ways that you've found to have students use the app?
Do you have your own iPads or shared iPads?
Did you include parents right away?
Any tips/tricks you'd like to share?


  1. I was excited to come across you entry this week. I teach second grade and have been using Class Dojo for quite a while but have been considering a switch to Seesaw. Maybe this year to see how it goes or jump in when a new class starts in the fall.

    I do have a class on Seesaw now but finding a great way for the students to post their work has been a challenge. I have my own iPad in the classroom that I use to post their work. Trying to come up with a method or schedule to let them post their own stuff.

    I think SeeSaw will allow the students to take more ownership in their work and a better interactive classroom platform for students, parents and me.

    My plan is to post some of their work on each platform and watch for feedback. Then create a google form for feedback.


    1. Hi Jason!
      I've been trying to work through this as well. The classroom that I observed has a set of 5 iPads that are in her room all day, so the students can access them at any time. I don't have my own classroom set, so I would be using the shared iPads that my school has on hand. We can check them out through the library. This does limit the times that my students would be able to post though.

      I'm thinking that I could easily incorporate them during my math workshop. Two of their stations each week are math journals. I could transfer these types of activities into a SeeSaw activity station. The students could complete their work and upload a picture or do the work directly on the iPad through the drawing option.

      I could probably do something similar during reader's workshop. The students could upload a picture of a reading response graphic organizer or they could record a video of themselves describing a book that they have read (we are currently focusing on characters, setting, problem & solution in books).

      I like your idea of using both platforms and gathering feedback. I have never used Class Dojo so I'd be interested in the results!

    2. If you incorporate Seesaw into your math and reading workshop it'll be a good way to keep them a little more accountable in a less structured setting. Great Idea


    1. These could be interesting as well! I have an afternoon STEM time on Fridays...I could create different task cards and the students could choose one and take a picture or record a video of their response to the task card. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Thanks for the blog post buddy! Keep them coming...

  4. Being a 1st Grade teacher as well, I was intrigued to hear ideas/perspectives from another fellow 1st grade teacher. At this year in school, it is such a crucial development and learning year because there is so much new fundamental material in such a little span of time. Your blog post on SeeSaw really stuck out to me and I was excited to learn about a whole new app. The first thing that I gravitated to right away was the word “free!” Seriously, any tool that is free and useful is a double bonus! You gave some awesome insight on all that this app has to offer. I love how easy it is for young students to use and it saves so much time for the teacher to have all of these work samples all in one place and in an organized fashion. I currently file work in folders
    but this seems so much simpler. This way you can also send work home after it is saved on this site to use as a reference later! Another factor with this tool that I liked was the feedback
    option. I also really liked the parent communication factor so that your students’ parents can get instant communication on how their child is currently doing. I really liked how there is a video and recording option as well. This would be neat to share with parents when it comes to students reading! This is a tool that I plan on exploring and sharing with my colleagues! Thanks for sharing such an awesome resource!

    1. My students have used the app 3 times now. They took a picture of their writing to show me, a picture of their 3 Little Pigs STEM house, and a picture of a math journal that they completed. They have caught on to using it so quickly and don't even need my help! I also love that it collects all of their work in one place!!
