Not Teacher Related...EOs!

Hey bloggers!

I should warn you...this post has absolutely nothing to do with teaching.
I'm sorry.
But it's summer break and I have other things on my mind!

This post is about essential if you don't like them, look away!
Quickly! :)

Okay, seriously...I have really started getting into essential oils in the last few months. I started slow & only with the basics. I like diffusing lavender, I like peppermint for my headaches, and I diffused the "allergy blend" (3 drops peppermint, 4 drops lemon, 5 drops lavender) in the spring. I really liked the results my family was seeing from the oils so I decided to dive in the deep end!

I looked at a few different essential oils companies and did my research. I even went to a meeting about essential oils led by a YL "competitor." I put it in quotes because I really don't see it as a competition. If people are getting their oils, regardless of what company they are, that's all good with me! I really liked the selection that YL has (and a few of their blends in particular) so I decided on them.

I've blogged before about some of my husband's medical conditions. He has suffered from psoriasis for years. The majority of it is on his head. It wasn't a huge concern...until he started losing his hair. Now, I don't care about the hair part. But I know he will be very self-conscious if he loses his hair and has the red psoriasis blotches up there! He has been to doctors and tried different medicines, creams, and shampoos but he hasn't found anything that works for him. So I found this mixture that we are going to try!

DISCLAIMER: I do not claim that these oils will diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or skin condition, or anything else for that matter. However, they have helped my family and that is exciting. As always, if you are concerned about something, always bring it up with your doctor to see what is best for you!

-6 tablespoons of a carrier oil (we will be using Sweet Almond)
- 11 drops of lavender
- 10 drops of frankincense
- 10 drops of geranium
- 9 drops of bergamot
- 4 drops of patchouli
- 3 drops of mandarin
-1 drop clary sage
-1 drop ylang ylang

Here is a before picture of the front of his head.

The worst of it is on the top of his head, which is hard to get a picture of because of his hair. But I hope to compare to this picture in a few weeks! Fingers crossed for good results! :)

Again, I do not claim that these oils can diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.

If anyone has more suggestions for essential oil ideas for psoriasis please let me know!
Have a great week!


  1. I love EOs too! I've gotten into dotera. We are having a baby in September and I know once he is old enough I will diffuse them in his room. They really do work!


  2. I am a HUGE YL fan- I've been using them for about 3 years now. LOVE THEM... my family calls them my "potions" lol. They'll come up to me and ask for a potion for tummy ache, head ache, bug bites etc ;) Hope it works for you guys!

    Teacher Mother Wife = Life
