I've been reflecting on the past school year in regards to behavior management. Previously, I have used color cards. All of the students start on green card and receive 2 verbal warnings before flipping a card. After green comes yellow (miss 5 minutes of recess), then blue (miss 10 minutes of recess), then red (miss 15 minutes of recess & note home). It wasn't a problem in the past, but keeping track of verbal warnings this year was tricky...maybe because I had so many friends that needed warning/reminders?? :) So I'm thinking of moving to a "clip" system. I created this as a starter...(I'm going with a polka dot theme this year)
It's pretty much the same idea, except I'll have a visual for the warnings (a visual for me AND for the kids). So each student will have a clothespin that they will move when needed. It's what I'm thinking for now...but there's still a lot of time left before school starts back up, so who knows if I'll change it again! Maybe you have something that you use that really works for you?? Let me know! :)
My students sit in groups and in the past I have kept track of team points on the board. The teams get points if they are all making good choices, or if everyone is prepared with the items that I have asked (pencil, scissors, glue, whatever they need for the task), clean desks (surprise checks, of course!) etc. Then at the end of the day, the team with the most points would get to dance. The kids loved it and it helped them to work together and remind others at their team what they should be doing to stay on task. However, we didn't always have extra time at the end of everyday for the dance time. So I think I'm going to use sticker charts to keep track of team points winners. Then when a team gets their card filled up, they can choose their reward. I haven't fully thought this part out yet...maybe some options would be: dancing, extra ipad or computer time, eating lunch with the teacher, choosing from the candy or prize bucket, etc. We'll see how it goes! I'm thinking this would be easier because we wouldn't need to have time everyday for this reward, just whenever a team fills up their chart.
Behavior Cards {sticker charts}
There are 12 different card options included {back to school, fall, winter, valentines, spring, summer, owl, bus, playground (boy & girl), shooting stars, dinosaurs}.
I've also created a few other things that I've recently added:
Calendar Set in Primary Colors
-12 months cards
-year cards (2012-2015 & blanks)
-days of the week cards
-yesterday, today, tomorrow signs (2 options)
-number of days in school sign
-shape of the day sign
-shape cards (triangle, circle, rectangle, oval, square, diamond)
-place value cards (place value, ones, tens, hundreds)
-calendar cards 1-31 & holiday cards (3 options)
-12 months cards
-year cards (2012-2015 & blanks)
-days of the week cards
-yesterday, today, tomorrow signs (2 options)
-number of days in school sign
-shape of the day sign
-shape cards (triangle, circle, rectangle, oval, square, diamond)
-place value cards (place value, ones, tens, hundreds)
-calendar cards 1-31 & holiday cards (3 options)
Calendar Cards for June & July
So like I said, if you have something that you really love for classroom management leave a comment! I like hearing what others use in their classrooms. Thanks!
I'm switching from a color system to the clip chart system this year too. I think it'll be a good change. I've heard a lot of people using it with positive results. :)
Learning Is Something to Treasure
I've seen some of those too! How many steps are you thinking for the positive? That's something I'll have to think about adding. Thanks! :)
DeleteI'm leaving the card chart behind and giving the clip chart a try. I've written about it several times on my blog (look under classroom management). I'm excited because it will give students opportunities to be rewarded for postive behavior and not just the negative.
Stories by Storie
Awesome! I'll definitely check out your posts. I do like the idea of the positive reinforcement as well. Thanks!