Christmas in July

I'm joining in on the fun for a Christmas in July sale!!

My TpT Store (sale extended another day since TpT was down!)

If you like what you see, follow them so that you can be updated when I add new items!! :)

To check out other stores joining in on the sale, head over to Blog Hoppin'!

AND because I love linkies so much, here's another for you from Step into 2nd Grade with Mrs. Lemons!

1. First of all,. I HATE odd numbers...especially prime numbers. It's weird, I know. But I am OCD about it. When I change the volume on the tv, in the car, on the computer, wherever, it has to be an even number (or a multiple of 5...for some reason my brain is okay with odd numbers as long as they are a multiple of 5).

2. Are you still with me? You don't think I'm crazy after reading number 1? Or maybe that's why you're still reading?! Haha. Anyway, I LOVE to travel! I've been to England, France, Spain, Costa Rica, & the Bahamas. They were all amazing! Now, I'd love to go to Italy!

3. I love animals. I'm not allowed to go to the animal rescue place...because I might bring a bunch of them home and the 1 pup we have is enough for now!

4. I love dolphins! When I was in the Bahamas I was able to "swim" with some! It wasn't really swimming. It was more of them swimming around us and letting us pet them, but it was awesome!

5. I love sweats...and I have way too many. I wish I could wear sweats to school!! I don't like dressing up.

6. I love to take pictures. Pictures & picture editing are so much fun! I took a photography class in high school and we were able to develop our own film and all that. I'd like to take more classes in photography some day!

7. From kindergarten to high school graduation I attended 8 different schools. My family moved a few times with my dad's job! Once I was in high school, I told him I wasn't moving anymore. The last time we moved (7th grade) was difficult and I refused to do it again!

8. My hubs & I are opposites in pretty much everything. He's more of an impulse decision maker and I prefer to think things through first...and he loses his patience easily when trying to put things together and I'm there to calm him down and actually read the directions. Haha. The fact that we're opposites actually balances out really well! When we first met, we used to argue constantly about the white sox & cubs (go sox!). But I guess we got over it :)

Go link up & learn more about the other bloggers out there!


  1. It is so hard to move. I moved in High school and it was very difficult.
    The Hive

  2. I am so glad I found you through the linky party. I am your newest follower!

    KinderKids Fun
